.Services & Design process.

Full service design process from concept to reality

Good design is honest.

~Dieter Rams, legendary Industrial Designer

“A problem well stated,

is a problem half solved”

~Charles F. Kettering, American inventor and holder of 186 patents


Design Research & Benchmarking.

Knowing your market, competitor products and having a deep understanding of your user is key to launching a successful product in a competitive market. We can help you become experts in your product field through detailed design research, trend analysis, user insights and product benchmarking. This process forms the foundation of a strategic, well understood and calculated design. Our approach focuses on the product and user from a design perspective to deliver targeted design opportunities and outcomes.

  • User insights is a crucial part of the design process aimed at understanding the behaviours, needs, motivations, and pain points of a specific user group. It involves systematic investigation methods to gather understanding, insights and data directly from users, which is then used to inform the design objectives and opportunities of a product.

  • Design benchmarking is a strategic tool used to drive innovation, improve quality, and enhance competitiveness by learning from the successes and failures of others in the field of design.

  • Design trend analysis is a research tool that informs decision-making in design, marketing, and product development. By understanding and leveraging trends, we can create compelling, relevant, and market-driven designs that resonate with consumers and drive product success.


Concept Design & Visualisation.

It all starts with a sketch… Early concept design, ideation and sketching creative concepts forms a vital part of our day-to-day here at MakeFuture. We use a combination of traditional hand sketching, digital sketching and rendering to create impactful imagery to explore and communicate design concepts. Exploring ideas without constraint lays the path for refinement when approaching detailed design in CAD.

  • Theres no replacement for fast sketching when in the ideation stage. This process is essential for refining creative concepts and developing innovative solutions that meet user needs and market demands.

  • Digital sketching in software such as Photoshop, accelerates the refinement of design concepts by enabling us to iterate quickly and precisely. It offers flexibility to experiment with various concepts, adjust details, and collaborate effectively in real-time. This iterative process ensures that ideas are thoroughly developed and optimised before advancing to the next stages of production, leading to innovative and well-defined products.

  • Digital rendering in the design process enhances visualisation by creating realistic representations of design concepts. It allows us to showcase concepts with accuracy and detail, aiding in decision-making and communication with clients and stakeholders. By simulating materials, textures, form and function, digital rendering ensures designs are refined and finalised before production.


Product Development & Refinement.

We employe a wide range of industry leading design tools, skills and processes to ensure our product development process is efficient and delivers the highest possible outcome - we are all about using the right tool for the job. From the chosen design sketch through to production we utilise tools such as; rapid prototyping, clay modelling, 3D printing, 3D scanning, various CAD software (Sub-D, Mesh & Nurbs), and everything in between to bring new designs to life.

  • Rapid prototyping is a design technique used in product development to rapidly create a striped back version of a product or specific feature. The primary purpose of rapid prototyping is to validate design concepts early, test functionality, reduce risk and gather early feedback from stakeholders or end-users before proceeding with detailed design.

  • We have been involved in automotive clay sculpting for over 10 years with OEM expertise of delivering highly refined forms to market. Clay modeling is a hands-on and integral part of automotive design, allowing us to sculpt and refine forms with precision and creativity. It combines artistry with engineering requirements, contributing to the development of visually appealing, functional, and manufacturable forms.

  • We have in-house 3D printing facilities capable of printing in a variety of common industrial materials. We also have strong connections to larger offshore facilities capable of producing large and accurate parts cost effectively in an extremely timely manner.

  • We have 3D scanning capability for a variety of uses such as reverse engineering, CAD development and scanning prototypes and clay models.

core design SOFTWARE


CAD Surfacing & A-Class Release.

We have all the tools and skills to ensure your design is captured to an OEM-level of quality often referred to as ‘A-Class’. Capturing design intent in CAD is extremely important to realise a high level of refinement through to manufacturing. We utilise a variety of CAD software and tools, specialising in surface modelling.


Product Visualisation.

Being able to see you design before committing to production is a valuable asset for any start-up or business looking for ‘buy-in’. Whether you want photorealistic renderings and animations to communicate design detail or inspiring sketch style imagery, we’re more than happy to help. We use a combination of digital CAD rendering in software such as Keyshot, VRED and Photoshop to develop our imagery


CTG - Colour, Trim & Graphics.

CTG is an extremely useful tool for keeping your product range fresh and up-to-date with current trends without the need for large investment in new product design. We have been providing CTG services for a range of products and industries - from motorhomes and interior decor, to high end motorcycles and bicycles.

CTG plays a pivotal role in communicating your brand identity, influencing how consumers perceive your product, building brand loyalty and individuality in the market. CTG is more than just colour, its about evoking an emotional connection with product


Prototyping, Model Making & Small Batch Manufacture.

We have a range of 3D printing and prototyping capabilities in-house for rapid prototyping and testing design. We’ve also built strong connections with manufacturing facilities in Asia for cost effective small batch production and prototyping. This includes CNC machining, fabrication & 3D printing at cost competitive rates. Get in touch to discuss your ideas…

  • We have strong CNC machining partners and can offer precision, efficient and cost effective manufacturing options for your project. We regularly CNC machine materials such as aluminium, steel, and plastic.

  • We have in-house 3D printing facilities capable of printing in a variety of common industrial materials. We also have strong connections to larger offshore facilities capable of producing large and accurate parts cost effectively in an extremely timely manner.

  • We can offer a range of finishes for any CNC machined parts such as; anodising, powder coating, painting, laser etching and screen-printing.